Search Results
Changing Electricity and Gas Market Design: the view of ACER
Webinar: ACER Final Assessment of the EU Wholesale Electricity Market Design
Creating a well-functioning EU Gas market: mission accomplished? | Ilaria Conti
ACER-CEER webinar on the Market Monitoring Reports for 2019
Presentation of the ACER-CEER Market Monitoring Report (MMR) 2019 Results
We are ACER
ACER webinar on electricity wholesale market integration
ACER-JRC webinar: ensuring sufficient grid capacity for electricity trade (10 July 2024)
ACER CEER webinar on evolving trends in the European gas market (16 November 2023)
Combined view on the market design for gas and power | Miguel Vazquez
ACER Workshop on Long Term Flow Based Capacity Calculation and Allocation
ACER webinar: monitoring barriers to electricity demand response (19 January 2024)